Scrap Quilt Top

I wrote previously about the king size quilt that I have been working on.  Well, the quilt top is finished!  I finished the rest of the "Spice" squares, and once I had that done, it didn't take much time to sew together the blocks into rows and then sew together the rows.

I love, love, love how it turned out!  I think that all the different fabrics make it so interesting.  I'm really glad that I decided to use white, rather than scrappy, light-colored blocks because I think it really harmonizes all the scraps.  As I mentioned in my previous post, I have decided not to quilt it myself.  Last time I was at a local quilting store, I picked up a bunch of business cards for long-arm quilters.  Hopefully I can find someone that I would like to work with, and they can help me decide what to do with quilting.  I am thinking probably an all-over design, something with curves to contrast with the straight lines of the blocks.  I still have to figure out what I want for the backing and binding as well.  Since this is going to go on our bed after we get married, I may ask Mr. Kiri Knits for input on the backing and binding.  Although, just because I ask his opinion doesn't mean that I won't end up doing what I want!